起点小说网 特工萌妃 第4卷 【杀戮起、天下风云变】 预留章节

第4卷 【杀戮起、天下风云变】 预留章节

目录:特工萌妃| 作者:糖苏苏| 类别:玄幻奇幻

    She is the one that you never forget

    She is the heaven-sent angel you met

    Oh' she must be the reason why God made a girl

    She is so pretty all over the world

    She puts the rhythm' the beat in the drum

    She comes in the morning and the evening she’s gone

    very little hour every second you live

    rust in eternity that’s what she gives

    She looks like Marilyn' walks like Suzanne
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